2012-10-02 Mock/Critque/Sug33


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Suggestion #33: Teams in field should stick to assigned tasks, refer back to CP with changes.

Committee handling: training
Value to PCSAR mandate: not rated
Difficulty to implement: not rated

CP is in charge. They decide what activity is next. E.g. returning to base. Radio in with suggested changes of activity.

Facts about 2012-10-02 Mock/Critque/Sug33RDF feed
Committee handling Suggestion/Committee/List/training  +
Description Teams in field should stick to assigned tasks, refer back to CP with changes.  +
Difficulty to implement not rated  +
Full page name 2012-10-02 Mock/Critque/Sug33  +
Sequence number 33  +
Suggestion list 2012-10-02 Mock/Critque  +
Value to PCSAR mandate not rated  +
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