Medical Preplan Committee
The Medical Preplan Committee is a sub-committee of the PreplanCommittee.
Contents |
[edit] Members
- Jill Bruder
- Richard Kennedy
- Russell Lee
- Dave Lindfield
- Pat Neumann
- Brett Wuth
[edit] Terms of Reference
- report to the Preplan Committee
- recruit committee members such that the committee contains:
- a search manager
- a PCSAR member with high level of medical training
- a member who has taken the recent Wilderness First Aid course (from which many recommendations came)
- PCSAR members with strong opinions on PCSAR's medical preplan (in order to have consensus before issues are brought to board or member level).
- recommend Standard Operating Procedures related to medical issues during operations
- recommend equipment to be held by PCSAR and by its members
- recommend skills that some or all of our members should have
[edit] The following issues have been refered to the Medical Preplan Committee
- Select new Chair
- FirstAidTreatmentFormIssue
- AccidentReportFormIssue [3950]
- ImmunizationIssue: all SAR workers - immunization - Hep B / Tetanus [3952]
- OxygenIssue: oxygen protocol [3959]
- MedicationProvisionIssue: providing medication [3962]
- IndividualFirstAidKitIssue: individual/member first aid kit [3958]
- PoisonControlNumberIssue [3967]
- FistAidStorageIssue: storage of 1st aid packs [3976]
- FirstAidLabelIssue: 1st aid pack: labelling [3977]
- TractionIssue: traction splint for femur fracture [3980]
- DislocatedShoulderIssue
- WildernessFirstAidNeedIssue
[edit] The following issues are completed
They are listed here in case the MedicalPreplanCommittee wants to revisit its work.
- FirstAidKitReequipIssue
- AllergiesIssue: know allergies/medications of field members [3955]
- WaterBottleIssue: water bottle with spine board [3956]
- StretcherSpaceBlanketIssue [3975]
- DependsIssue: depends/pampers with spine board [3957]
- StretcherHeadShieldIssue [3972]
- StretcherWaterProofingIssue [3974]
- HandCleanerIssue: alcohol hand cleaner at base camp [3951]
- FirstAidGlovesIssue
- SpinalIssue: protocol to remove spinal precautions [3978]
- KEDIssue: get a KED [3973]
- ThermarestIssue: thermarest for each field team [3953]
- SleepingBagIssue: sleeping bag for each field team [3954]
- FirstAidReadinessIssue