SAR Fundamentals/Day 3 start up/Content Review


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  1. A brown line on a topo map says 4500. Which direction is downhill?

  2. How do you tell the elevation difference between two adjacent brown lines on a topo map?

  3. What is the number one killer outdoors?

  4. Name the 3 degrees of freezing injuries.

  5. What does a Northing represent?

  6. How many digits of a UTM does a GPS show you?

  7. What is the scale of the topo maps typically used in SAR, developed by the Canadian Government?

  8. Who calls the lift or lower during a stretcher carry?

  9. When do you finish gathering background information about the lost subject?

  10. What methods/tools are useful to document activities, evidence or clues?

  11. Where in your pack should the heaviest items go?

  12. What should you do with the gear in your ready pack before there is an incident?

  13. Are true north and magnetic north the same thing?

  14. How many people should be reporting to one person in a "Span of Control"?

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