2012-10-02 Mock/Critque/Sug1 +,
2012-10-02 Mock/Critque/Sug2 +,
2012-10-02 Mock/Critque/Sug3 +,
Suggestion list
| 2012-10-02 Mock/Critque |
there should be a bigger turn out to training events, need training on radio protocol, technology always fails; e.g. radio, cell, TL strategized by distance would have to travel to various assigned search locales, urban searching done by vehicle, use of dog in urban search; can handle large area, the search segment was too large to be searched, Need clarity when 2 teams come under one team leader, Move CP to LKP, The MCP map table was good., Urban search should anticipate may have to search open buildings or buildings that have subsequently locked, Couldn't open the door. Need orientation., time spent looking for stuff in CP, new CP worked well; radios good; cell phone good, Need instructions on how to operate generator., Need instructions on driving the MCP, MCP needs CO detector, MCP needs curtain dividing sections, MCP needs better place to hang radio mic cord, or perhaps a longer cord, or bungie cord, MCP radio needs headset, There's a leak in the MCP, The heat in the MCP works well, Only team leaders should be in new command post; room is limited., Having Ops Section Chief at the CP table was good; close to the door, teams should have internal communications (e.g. FRS) for search efficiency, Operations area of MCP needs file holder or accordion file, MCP needs clock by table, Teams in field should stick to assigned tasks, refer back to CP with changes., difficulty with only 2 teams, Didn't know notes were in C.P., weather limited ability to track, It was not clear what operational activities should be simulated, e.g. medical/stretcher equipment, exercise should change size depending on number of teams available, Jeff (RCMP) willing to help with training, Recommend first aid review, Exercise felt disjointed; RCMP usually are involved earlier in incident
Difficulty to implement
not rated, done, easy
Full page name
2012-10-02 Mock/Critque
Sequence number
32, 30, 36, 25, 27, 28, 29, 35, 3, 21, 26, 2, 4, 6, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 22, 23, 24, 7, 11, 12, 18, 19, 33, 34, 1, 5, 8, 9, 10, 13, 31
Value to PCSAR mandate
not rated, medium, none
Committee handling
Suggestion/Committee/List/board +, Suggestion/Committee/List/training +, Suggestion/Committee/List/preplan +, Suggestion/Committee/List/equipment +
Categories Committee board +, Committee equipment +, Committee preplan +, Committee training +, Critique report +, Difficulty done +, Difficulty easy +, Difficulty not rated +, Suggestion compendium +, Value medium +, Value none +, Value not rated +