Policies are set by the membership (at a general meeting) or more commonly by the Board.
They are currently distributed through the minutes of the organization and some documents on the web site.
This page is intended to become the place to find policies.
- See Member Documents
- Collected Policies from 2011-01 to 2014-01 Board Minutes
- Criminal Record Check, June 7, 2011
- Eric made a motion to accept the new members without requiring them to get their criminal record check, and that future approved members will not be required to get a criminal record check until this issue is resolved with the RCMP. Fraser Seconded. CARRIED.
- Fundamentals Course Instructor Rates, September 6, 2011
- Eric made a motion that future payments for SAR Fundamentals Course shall be paid out first to the qualified instructors, secondly for any student expenses, and anything left over will be split among the remaining volunteers. Janet seconded. CARRIED.
- Policy for Dog Team
- Fraser made a motion to use the Federal Travel rate for a Dog Team and to assist with one-way travel to all required training events to keep a CSDA certification. CARRIED. October 4, 2011
- AARC (WCB Insurance coverage for PCSAR events) October 4, 2011
- CRAIG made a motion to implement using the AARC system to get WCB coverage for PCSAR events. The administrator will be responsible for ensuring a tracking number is requested for all PCSAR meetings and training events. The call-out caller will get a tracking number once all of the searches have been contacted for a search. CARRIED.
- June 5, 2012
- Fraser made a motion to authorize Brian to take the necessary steps in getting repairs and upgrades made to the new Command Post to make it safe, road worthy and ready for PCSAR needs, Ron seconded. CARRIED.
- August 8, 2012
- Cindy made a motion to accept PCCEMA's offer of using their call-out system for the foreseeable future, Brian seconded. CARRIED.
- Policy for Selling PCSAR Equipment November 6, 2012
- Janet made a motion that it is in the best interest for PCSAR to get the maximum price possible for old equipment and therefore any item up for sale will be put to tender, and the highest will get the item. PCSAR reserves the right to refuse any/all bids, and the Board will establish a timeline for tenders on a case by case basis. If 2 high bids are the same, each bidder will be told and asked to re-bid. Ron Seconded. CARRIED.
- Re: Paying for Search Bills before cheques are received from the RCMP, or tasking agency. December 4, 2012
- Janet made a motion to pay search related expenses in a timely fashion, regardless of whether or not we have received reimbursement from the RCMP, Yvonne seconded. CARRIED.
- Policy for Command Post Rates, May 7, 2013
- Fraser made a motion to charge $250.00/day plus the Federal Mileage Rate for the Command Post on Searches, Brian seconded. CARRIED.
- Criminal Record Check, June 7, 2011
- Later Board Minutes have not had their policies collated, except
- December 10, 2013
- Brett made a motion to authorize expenditures of single items up to $200.00 within budget limits and category limits, Ron seconded. CARRIED.
- 2014-02-11 Access to Policies
- Brett made a motion that all policies adopted by the Board and General Membership be made easily accessible to all of PCSAR Members, Cindy seconded. CARRIED.
- 2014-04-01 Attendance of Board Members
- Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Brad Boese “the Board establishes the policy that all PCSAR Board members are expected to attend all BOARD MEETINGS. If a Board Member knows they cannot attend, they should inform the President prior to the meeting with a brief statement of why they are not able to attend. Any Board Member, who is absent without notice will be contacted by the President to discuss their obligation under this policy” CARRIED
- 2014-04-01 Board Member Attendance Requirements
- Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Brad Boese “The Board establishes the policy that it will deem ANY Board Member who has not attended the last Three (3) Board meetings to have resigned from their position, unless the member makes an affirmative response to written communication”. In accordance with the BYLAWS, at the next General Meeting an election will be held to fill the vacant seat. CARRIED
- 2015-04-13
- Moved that the Job Description of the Administrator be adopted as presented.
- Moved that Board meetings if not held in person, may be held by telephone, e-mail or other means of communications or a mixture of means provided all board members have an opportunity to participate. If the means of communications limit effective debate on any motions, such motions shall fail with a single nay vote.
- December 10, 2013
- Cheques
- (proposed) policy on Signing Agreements
- (proposed) policy on PCSAR Contact Information